Stop Looking For Your Desire. It's Already Here!
If you feel like you don't have something within, you will forever be living a reality where you are looking and searching for it. Claim it within, and the Universe will provide a matching reality where you will see what you have claimed within.
If you are looking at your physical reality and asking where your desire is, you will continue living circumstances that make you want to ask. Simply put, if you keep asking where your desire is, you will receive more reasons to ask. Whereas, if you claim that you have something, the Universe will show you that you have it. The Universe will prove you to yourself every single time.
"Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you're right." Henry Ford
You are creating your reality based off what you are dominantly embodying within yourself moment-to-moment. Nothing stays the same on its own. If a circumstance feels stagnant in your life it is because you are embodying a version of yourself that is experiencing stagnancy within. What you embody within must be reflected without. You will experience in life what you maintain with your thoughts, feelings, assumptions and beliefs.
When you reach the state of being unbothered by your "undesirable" circumstances you'll feel more inclined to express gratitude simply for being alive; you'll feel a sense of relief. You'll genuinely feel like you have your desire, even if you see no proof of it in the 3D, albeit by this point you'll know better than to allow yourself to believe that there is no proof. By this point, you'll see that the proof of your desired manifestation is all around you.
You will never find what you continue to look for because every time you look for something you are implying that you do not have it. Release the belief that what you want is missing, and it will arrive.
We think we find things. But the truth is, what we desire is never lost or missing. It is only our belief that makes it so. It is only by believing that you do not have something that you will experience not having it.
If you truly believe that you are already in a new and desired reality, you will not be concerned with the when or how. You will be present. The ability to be present is key to feeling satisfaction while your desired manifestation unfolds within your physical reality. The key is to rest comfortably in a space of satisfaction and fulfillment because not only do you know that your desire is promised to you, but you also know that the present moment is worth being present for. You understand that "over there" is not better than "here". You're just choosing a different experience. Make that choice inside and watch it reflect on the "outside". Let go of the when and how, and be present now. Use your creative power to conjure up satisfaction and fulfillment within yourself. Everything you want is unfolding perfectly right now. Your job is to go within and trust that, while inhabiting the space of feeling good in the present moment. Your presence is key.
If you want assistance embodying your desires and conjuring up the feeling of fulfillment inside you right now, instead of looking for your desires outside of you, book a 1:1 Consultation with Psychic Medium Raw Honey Bliss. She will connect with your energetic field and your personal spiritual team— offering advice, clarity and guidance to help you move forward on your path.