Why You Found the Law of Assumption

Raw Honey Bliss - Law Of Assumption

You found the law of assumption because in this lifetime you knew you wanted to experience effortless conscious manifestation.

On a soul level you know that you are not meant to struggle your way through life. Everyone told you that you had to work hard if you wanted to make it and you just knew that wasn't true. The concept of working hard and struggling for what you want never resonated with you. You know there is an easier way. Deep inside you know that you are a limitless and powerful spiritual being and that is why you came across this spiritual law, this spiritual truth. You believe that your life should feel easy and effortless, and through this teaching you are discovering that not only should you NOT feel ashamed for wanting to feel ease and effortlessness on your path, but that you should celebrate it. If you are feeling like you are meant to live a path of ease, then you are completely right, even if you've experienced deep struggles in life up until the moment of reading these words.

Growing up, I've always felt like my life was meant to feel at ease. I never resonated with the notion of having to struggle my way to the top. The feeling of struggle never resonated within my truth. Even during the many moments of struggle and pain that I did experience on my life path, there was always a deeper sense within me that this was not supposed to be the way that I live my life. Coming across the spiritual truth of the law of assumption validated my deeper truth.

We have been conditioned to accept struggling as a natural way of life, but it is not within our soul's nature to struggle. Struggling is a human way of living and is something that we come to Earth to transcend. If you have come upon this article, then you are transcending a life of struggle. I believe that we intend to come across different spiritual truths at different points in our human life. In short, this spiritual truth teaches that what you assume to be true within your imagination will become true within your physical reality, even if proven false by your physical senses. Basically, what you accept within your internal reality will reflect into your outer reality. There is a vast amount of information out there about the law of assumption. I am simply writing about this subject to help spread knowledge. What I do know about the law of assumption is that, so far, it has changed my life for the better.

The law of assumption is the type of spiritual teaching to stretch your mind past return,

and I mean that with the deepest appreciation for my highest self for guiding me to this spiritual teaching. I trust that you too will reach a place where you will feel a deep appreciation for this spiritual truth, if you do not feel it already. Even if you do not fully understand the law of assumption, right now is the perfect opportunity to begin implementing some of its life-changing teachings.


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